Patterns … a New Collection of Short Stories

Patterns is a collection of short stories that take the reader into the lives of a wife who can’t stop herself from washing and cleaning, to a grocery store check-out clerk who attempts to find her life’s meaning in selling cosmetics, to a woman who buries a letter from her daughter-in-law in her garden, to a teenage girl who falls in love with her teacher. Mining the small southern town of Milledgeville, Georgia, the author unravels a tapestry of real people who live their lives the best they can, while rising above the mundane to find grace. “


2018 Pinnacle Winner
People’s Book Achievement Award
Short Story category

2019 Winner
NIEA Interior Design Category

Praise for

Going to Wings

“… A palpable and invigorating book, mapping one woman’s lifelong efforts to discover her own sexual identity through Christianity and friendship.” Kirkus Review 

Going to Wings 

 2018 Winner
NIEA  Memoir Category

2018 Finalist
Best Book Awards LGBTQ Category